Is The Air On?

Excerpt from short story Is The Air On?

Thomas would fidget with his wristwatch and set the time.  It was always perfect, but he would wind it a full day ahead while he was going through his mind.  Most would consider this a form of obsessive compulsive, but it was hard to tell.

“Just a distraction.  Focus on clarity.”  A small mantra Thomas repeated and turned to when beginning his day.  The watch set to the second and a new day was allowed to begin.

Thomas came back out of the double doors and saw Laura counting straws and looking busy.  She did this when she wanted to keep talking but not look like she is prying.  “Were you guys busy this morning?”  Thomas threw out to try to get a new subject rolling.  “It wasn’t too bad, typical Thursday.  Allen went home early.  Been just me for about an hour.”  Laura said.

“That’s good.”  Thomas looked around and it was pretty slow in the eating area.  Three people that were on their computers and one older guy reading the paper.  Thomas went into retail mode for a normal shift;  strained, but believable smile, and voice lacking timbre, only using an upper register when speaking with the general public. He poured the coffee beans into the stainless steel hopper, grinding some for the next shift and started just straightening up a bit.  Cleaning the front window case and setting up some of the sandwiches for lunch. 

Thomas liked this shift.  Not too demanding and still able to get tips.  He had taken this job for the first time when he was finishing up college.  It was a part time gig while he was in school, but by this point, five years out of college, he expected to have been somewhere else.  He was at one point, but now is back where he started.  This was a subject of contention between Jen and him.  He never wanted the previous job, but it would have made his life easier if he could have kept up with the demands.

All of these thoughts were swirling in Tom’s head. 

“So, did you guys at least make up?”  Laura asked.  This was about two hours after the initial conversation, but both knew there was only one topic for the day.  “No.  We slept in the same bed, but that is it.  I hate going to bed angry.  I left before she was awake, and she hasn’t text me.”  Thomas said.

            “Maybe she just needs some time.”  Laura meant well, but Thomas hated that idiom.  “She always needs time.  I don’t think she cares about me anymore.”  “That’s not true, I have seen you guys together.  You are a good couple.  How long, now?”  “Five years.” 

            “See, that is my point, you have been through some rough things before.”  Laura knew Thomas pretty well and has been a good person to confide in when it came to touchy situations.  She was nosey but not one to gossip.  The secret was safe with her, but she had to know everything.  “I am never one to give advice, you know my track record, but I think you will be fine.”


Motel Room